Preston Automotive Group

Mar 26, 2024

Leaders from Preston Automotive Group recently had the opportunity to attend the Learn To Lead Leadership Summit, led by world-renowned speaker and author, Dave Anderson. On March 12th and 13th, at the Tidewater Inn in Easton, MD, the team seized a valuable two-day opportunity to dive into the fundamentals of accountability and cultivating positive habits.

The team, familiar with Anderson’s leadership seminars, approached this summit with a clear goal: accountability. With each summit uniquely themed, this edition centered on the importance of staying true to one’s word and goals and the effect it has on their ability to lead their team successfully.

Over the course of the summit, leaders engaged in breakout sessions aimed at exploring strategies for personal and team accountability. Discussions were lively and productive, with leader’s from every Preston Automotive Group dealership exchanging insights and experiences on how to effectively hold themselves and their teams accountable throughout the year. For many of us, it’s the small changes that will make the biggest impact, like refining our morning routines, maintaining punctuality, and fostering consistency within our store.

At every Learn To Lead Summit, Preston partners with Dave Anderson to recognize individuals within the group with a red belt. This belt symbolizes their dedication and drive to continually improve and excel daily. Among those honored by Preston were Service Manager Tim McClincy and Parts Manager Shaun Robinson from Preston Ford. We appreciate their unwavering commitment and contributions, as their departments owe much of their success to their hard work and dedication!

Left image: Previous Red Belt Winners: Stef Lee, JB Burnett, Stephen Townsend, and Mike Burton.
Right image: Pictured from left to right: Chris Marks, Tim McClincy, Dave Anderson, Mike Cohen, Ryan McCraken, David Wilson, and Shaun Robinson.

As the summit concluded, the leaders of Preston Automotive Group left with renewed energy and clear plans to ensure accountability in all their efforts. With Anderson’s guidance and the collective dedication of the team, the future shines bright for the many stores that make up the Preston Automotive Group. They’re eager to return to work, motivate their teams, and improve their workplaces to further enhance the customer experience.